Provides additional information about the current cursor position.
In the status bar there will be a new entry with the actual new line, byte and character index of the last index of any selected text.
The below example from [] you can see that Javascript allows for 5 new lines (\r, \n, \r\n, \u{2028}, \u{2029}) but the vscode native line count has 2 fewer rendered lines while this extension reports the actual instances of all new lines. Vscode also natively provides a line column but not the file index, this extension provides both the character index and the byte index (accounting for multi-byte characters).
Currently supported languages:
The best possible way to contribute is to provide additional languages that you would want this functionality for. To add this,
you would simply update the CONFIGS definition in ./src/languages.ts with the valid new lines for that language. Once that is done, you will also need to update the activationEvents in the ./package.json to include this new language. For more information about language ids see the vscode documentation about it.