ZeptoN Syntax Highlighter Extension for Visual Studio CodeA Visual Studio Code extension with syntax highlighing support for the ZeptoN programming language. The ZeptoN programming language is described in [ZeptoN whitepaper][https://....]. The main source code repository with the source code for the ZeptoN transpiler for the ZeptoN language is here. The really super-neato cool thing about ZeptoN is that ZeptoN syntax is directly compatible with Java, which is based upon C/C++, and from which C# is based. Thus learning and using ZeptoN, the transition to C++, C#, or Java (or similar syntax programming languages) is simple. The primary advantage of the ZeptoN programming language is that ZeptoN is transpiled to Java source code, and then compiled into Java bytecode using the Java Compiler API. Everything is open-source (see ZeptoN project and is completely absolutely free to use. This syntax extension contains the ZeptoN syntax highlighting only, but does not support debugging at this time. Quick Start
ZeptoN Extension ConfigurationThere is no need for ZeptoN syntax highlighting extension configuration. This is unnecessary already configured for ZeptoN syntax highlighting Feedback, Questions, Issues, Feature Requests
Data and PrivacyThe ZeptoN Syntax Highligher Extension for Visual Studio Code does NOT collect any data from the user. Enjoy! |