purpleeeeeMy shitty VSCode themeIn here lies my shitty, obscenely purple Visual Studio Code theme.LicenseMITCopyright for portions of project purpleeeee are held by [Github Account primer Owner, 2022] as part of project GitHub's VS Code themes, [Github Account Alex Simons Owner, 2022] as part of project doki-theme-vscode, and by [Github Account 4a454646 Owner, 2022] as part of project Github Purple. All other copyright for project purpleeeee are held by [Github Account whinee Owner, 2021]. Check the LICENSE for more details. CreditsMIT LogoMassachusetts Institute of Technology (vectorized by Mysid, modified by whinee), Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons IconsExclamation Mark, Code Fork, Star, Group, Code, and Discord icons by Icons8 NOTE: If a reference or source material is not attributed properly or not at all, please kindly message me at Discord: whi_ne#5135 so I can properly give credit to their respective authors. |