MoverMover is an easy editor for people who do not or do not heavily use vim and emacs. It learned from vim/emacs and provides easier keybindings. Spend five minutes reading this, and your coding efficiency will increase significantly. Features
UsageLevel 1: Basic Cursor MoveMost function is performed by alt combination keys. The basic cursor move keys are alt+ follows:
This keeps the ralative positions of original arrow keys. Except In Mover, it's encouraged to move cursor by a long-distance key rather than several short-distance keys. Besides moving cursor, Level 2: Extended Cursor MoveThe extended cursor move keys are alt+ follows:
Congratulations! When come to here, you can start using Mover. Go and practice! Level 3: Mode ChangeMover has two modes: Edit and Alt. Mode changing is performed by press
Mover starts with Edit mode, in which you can type as usual and use Mover function with alt combination keys. In Alt mode, you can't type but you can use Mover function without alt key. Mover keeps the consistency. All the If you do use an alt in Alt mode, mover will change to Edit mode after the key takes effect. In the following sections, Level 4: Prepend With A Number
Similar to vim, you can prepend with a number to repeat the command. For example, What's more, Level 5: Long-distance Motion
Where Level 6: Select And Edit
Similar to the original usage, hold
Mover retains the original cut/copy/paste keybindings. However, because Single pressing
Alt key support is also added to
Remember esc can help you close various windows such as find widget. Try avoid using mouse. Extension SettingsSearch QuestionsWhere is the command mode?There have been nice command mode in vscode. Try Some keys take no effect.Check if there is a keybinding conflict. What about the original alt function?Most original alt funtion take effect by press in sequence rather than combination. |