Tolk EditorA vs-code extension that allows users to configure an exceutable and required arguements for reading, parsing, and finally displaying binary files in a human readable read-only format. FeaturesTolk uses the same editor built into vs code (monaco-editor). Because In the example below, when tolk converts a .vscode/settings.json
Workspace SettingsBelow are the required and optional settings for the tolk-editor RequiredAt a minimum the extension needs to know what exectuable it can use to provide the human readable view of the binary file. Currently the extension only supports executables that print their converted contents to stdout. Example
With the settings above, if a user decides to open a binary file with the tolk editor. The executable will be used in the background to parse and provide the read-only view of the binary file OptionalIf the executable being used requires additional flags or arguments before or after the binary filename you can specify both
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