provides the functions of this Sublime plugin as a extension in Visual studio code.
- Supports WikiStyle [[]] Grammar for Files in the same folder
- After typing [[ a list with all available files in folder pops up and you can choose the correct file. The selected file will be included between [[]].
- After pressing Alt+Enter, If marked file is not existing, open new file and save it with the marked name
- If marked file name is existing, open existing file.
STRG + Alt + l opens file selection of current folder and import selected filename
## Settings
You can configure the settings, to display a specific types of files and folders, or exclude specific files and folders.
Similarly you could configure the number of files displayed.
"properties": {
"findFiles.fileIncludeGlob": {
"type": "string",
"default": "",
"description": "A glob pattern that defines the files to search for."
"findFiles.fileExcludeGlob": {
"type": "string",
"default": "\node_modules\**",
"description": "A glob pattern that defines files and folders to exclude."
"findFiles.maxResults": {
"type": "number",
"default": 1000,
"description": "An upper-bound for the result."
## Source
## Change Log
### Version 0.0.5
First running version, File selection is working.
### Version 0.0.1
V0.0.1 Nothing ready, just copied an extension which comes close to wished extension
## License