This plugin is forked from vscode-ccls and adds some features, fixes some bugs.
This is the Visual Studio Code extension for ccls,
a C/C++/ObjC language server supporting cross references, hierarchies, completion and semantic highlighting.
Release Notes
add: ccls.callHierarchy and ccls.memberHierarchy support C and C++ source files
add: New configuration ccls.codeLens.maxFileLines :
Enabling codelens in very large files can cause the editor to be very slow, use this option to limit the maximum number of lines in a file with references CodeLens enabled.
References CodeLens will be disabled in files with more lines than this setting. Default -1 means never disable.
add: New configuration ccls.cache.fullLoadOnInitialize :
When handling an initialize request from the client, full load the cache before starting the index process.
Note: The expired caches are also loaded. So it may be inaccurate until the index process is actually complete.
The main purpose of turning this option on is to start working quickly with a less accurate (but mostly accurate) cache without waiting for the slow index process to complete.
add: New configuration ccls.treeViews.navigateBySingleClick :
By default, if a parent entry in the tree view (call/inheritance/member hiearchy) is double clicked, vscode will navigate to the entry.
Set this option to true to navigate by single clicking.
Child entries always use single click to navigate.
fix: Solves broken hierarchy windows (e.g. call hierarchy), where after one execution future executions fail to update the window. The fix code comes from: adam-flynn