This is an extension for Visual Studio Code that provides a quick and convenient way to insert and delete log statements in your code. The extension supports multiple languages including C#, Python, ShellScript, JavaScript, TypeScript, C++, C, and Rust.
Insert log statements for the word under the cursor
Insert log statements for highlighted text
Delete all log statements in the current document
Customizable log statements for each supported language
Install the extension
Open a document in one of the supported languages
To insert a log statement for the "word" under the cursor:
Press Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+L
Or press Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+P and run Insert Log Statement
To insert a log statement for longer text, highlight the text and:
Press Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+L
Or press Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+P and run Insert Log Statement
The log statement for a specific language can be customized via Settings:
{var} represents the variable name that will be logged
Either open the UI settings for the extension and modify the Log String for the language you want to customize.
Or open the settings editor and add "quickLogUtil.languageLogString": "yourcustomstring" where language is the language you want to customize (e.g. "consoleLogUtils.csharpLogToInsert": "Console.WriteLine($\"{var}: {{var}}\");" )
The extension provides the following settings:
quickLogUtil.unityLogString: Custom log statement for Unity C# projects
quickLogUtil.csharpLogString: Custom log statement for C# projects
quickLogUtil.pythonLogString: Custom log statement for Python projects
quickLogUtil.shellscriptLogString: Custom log statement for ShellScript projects
quickLogUtil.javascriptLogString: Custom log statement for JavaScript/TypeScript projects
quickLogUtil.cppLogString: Custom log statement for C++ projects
quickLogUtil.cLogString: Custom log statement for C projects
quickLogUtil.rustLogString: Custom log statement for Rust projects
Known Issues
None at the moment.
Release Notes
Initial release of Quick Log Util
If you have any questions or issues, please open an issue on the Github repository
Feel free to submit pull requests or issues on the Github repository