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Supported languages (file extensions)
- JavaScript (.js)
- TypeScript (.ts)
- JavaScript React (.jsx)
- TypeScript React (.tsx)
- Html (.html)
- Vue (.vue)
Below is a list of all available snippets and the triggers of each one. The ⇥ means the TAB key.
Import and export
Trigger |
Content |
imp→ |
imports entire module import fs from 'fs'; |
imn→ |
imports entire module without module name import 'animate.css' |
imd→ |
imports only a portion of the module using destructing import {rename} from 'fs'; |
ime→ |
imports everything as alias from the module import * as localAlias from 'fs'; |
ima→ |
imports only a portion of the module as alias import { rename as localRename } from 'fs'; |
rqr→ |
require package require(''); |
req→ |
require package to const const packageName = require('packageName'); |
mde→ |
default module.exports module.exports = {}; |
env→ |
exports name variable export const nameVariable = localVariable; |
enf→ |
exports name function export const log = (parameter) => { console.log(parameter);}; |
edf→ |
exports default function export default function fileName (parameter){ console.log(parameter);}; |
ecl→ |
exports default class export default class Calculator { }; |
ece→ |
exports default class by extending a base one export default class Calculator extends BaseClass { }; |
Class helpers
Trigger |
Content |
con→ |
adds default constructor in the class constructor() {} |
met→ |
creates a method inside a class add() {} |
pge→ |
creates a getter property get propertyName() {return value;} |
pse→ |
creates a setter property set propertyName(value) {} |
Various methods
Trigger |
Content |
fre→ |
forEach loop in ES6 syntax array.forEach(currentItem => {}) |
fof→ |
for ... of loop for(const item of object) {} |
fin→ |
for ... in loop for(const item in object) {} |
anfn→ |
creates an anonymous function (params) => {} |
nfn→ |
creates a named function const add = (params) => {} |
dob→ |
destructing object syntax const {rename} = fs |
dar→ |
destructing array syntax const [first, second] = [1,2] |
sti→ |
set interval helper method setInterval(() => {}); |
sto→ |
set timeout helper method setTimeout(() => {}); |
prom→ |
creates a new Promise return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {}); |
thenc→ |
adds then and catch declaration to a promise .then((res) => {}).catch((err) => {}); |
Console methods
Trigger |
Content |
cas→ |
console alert method console.assert(expression, object) |
ccl→ |
console clear console.clear() |
cco→ |
console count console.count(label) |
cdb→ |
console debug console.debug(object) |
cdi→ |
console dir console.dir |
cer→ |
console error console.error(object) |
cgr→ |
console group |
cge→ |
console groupEnd console.groupEnd() |
clg→ |
console log console.log(object) |
clo→ |
console log object with name console.log('object :>> ', object); |
ctr→ |
console trace console.trace(object) |
cwa→ |
console warn console.warn |
cin→ |
console info |
clt→ |
console table console.table |
cti→ |
console time console.time |
cte→ |
console timeEnd console.timeEnd |
HTML Snippets
Trigger |
Content |
a-class |
[class] binding |
a-select |
<select> control |
a-style |
[style] binding |
a-ngClass |
ngClass |
a-ngFor |
*ngFor |
a-ngForAsync |
*ngFor with async |
a-ngFor-trackBy |
*ngFor with trackBy |
a-form |
create a form tag with ngSubmit and form attributes |
a-formArrayName |
formArrayName |
a-formControlName |
formControlName |
a-formGroup |
formGroup |
a-formGroupName |
formGroupName |
a-form-submit |
create a submit button for a form |
a-ngIf |
*ngIf |
a-ngIfElse |
*ngIf with else |
a-ngModel |
ngModel |
a-routerLink |
routerLink |
a-routerLink-param |
routerLink with a route parameter |
a-ngStyle |
ngStyle |
a-ngSwitch |
ngSwitch |
a-prej |
show the JSON form of a model |
a-preja |
show the JSON form of a model, using async |
a-ng-container |
<ng-container> element |
a-ng-template |
<ng-template> element |
a-ng-content |
<ng-content> element |
TypeScript Angular Snippets
Trigger |
Content |
a-component |
component |
a-component-standalone |
standalone component |
a-component-inline |
component with inline template |
a-component-root |
root app component |
a-ctor-skip-self |
angular NgModule 's skipself constructor |
a-directive |
directive |
a-guard-can-activate |
CanActivate guard |
a-guard-can-activate-child |
CanActivateChild guard |
a-guard-can-deactivate |
CanDeactivate guard |
a-guard-can-match |
CanMatch guard |
a-httpclient-get |
httpClient.get with Rx Observable |
a-http-interceptor |
Empty Angular HttpInterceptor for HttpClient |
a-http-interceptor-headers |
Angular HttpInterceptor that sets headers for HttpClient |
a-http-interceptor-logging |
Angular HttpInterceptor that logs traffic for HttpClient |
a-module |
module |
a-module-root |
root app module |
a-output-event |
@Output event and emitter |
a-pipe |
pipe |
a-preload-opt-in-strategy |
custom preload strategy that allows choosing which routes to preload |
a-preload-network-strategy |
custom preload strategy that preloads based on network connectivity |
a-resolver |
resolver |
a-routes |
Route definition file |
a-rxjs-import |
import RxJs features |
a-rxjs-operators |
import RxJs operators |
a-route-path-404 |
404 route path |
a-route-path-default |
default route path |
a-route-path-with-children |
route path with children |
a-route-path-eager |
eager route path |
a-route-path-lazy |
lazy route path |
a-router-events |
listen to one or more router events |
a-route-params-subscribe |
subscribe to route parameters |
a-service |
service with injectable provided in root |
a-service-httpclient |
service with HttpClient |
a-subscribe |
Rx Observable subscription |
a-trackby |
to create a trackby function in TypeScript for the ngFor |
| |