Mindustry LogicMindustry logic highlighting + C to MLOG compiler Read known issues before filing a bug report FeaturesHighlightingHighlights MLOG in the editor. Semantic highlighting must be enabled, it enables this for the language by default so you'd have to go out of your way to disable it but it does need enabled for this to work. it's a slight WIP still Currently implemented highlighting
all others are being worked on and for now use generic highlighting code. CompilationCompiles C to MLOG using a modified version of c2logic Requirements
Known IssuesHighlighting doesn't work in unsaved files unless they were created before the extension started with some themes, highlighting should work in saved files. There are a few workarounds:
Ultimately this issue is vscode's fault since even with the language-specific setting enabled there are issues, but there isn't really a way to fix it until one of the following happens:
LicenseApache 2.0 (see |