The Locale Inspector extension helps developers quickly detect unlocalized strings in JavaScript, TypeScript, and React codebases. It scans for hardcoded strings inside JSX elements and specific attributes like title, aria-label, and placeholder, which are often missed during localization. The extension allows you to easily identify and navigate to these unlocalized strings directly within VS Code.
Scan for Unlocalized Strings: Identifies hardcoded text within JSX elements and attributes that are not wrapped in localization functions.
Customizable Localization Helpers: Allows you to define your own localization functions such as translate.
Clickable Results: Provides clickable links in VS Code that open the file at the exact line where the unlocalized string is found.
Support for JavaScript, TypeScript, JSX, and TSX files.
How to Use
Activate the Command:
Open the Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P or Cmd+Shift+P on Mac).
Type Find Unlocalized Strings and select the command from the list.
Provide Inputs:
Project Directory: Enter the absolute or relative path to your project's directory (where the codebase is located).
Localization Helpers: Provide a comma-separated list of your localization helper functions (e.g., translate).
HTML attributes: Provide a comma-separated list of your html attributes you want to include (e.g., title, placeholder).
View Results:
The extension will scan the specified project directory and display the unlocalized strings found in Unlocalized Strings section in VS Code Explorer.
Click on any result to navigate directly to the line in the corresponding file.
Reactivate the Command:
Open the Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P or Cmd+Shift+P on Mac).
Type Navigate to Unlocalized Strings and select the command from the list.
Contributions are welcome! If you have suggestions for improvements or find bugs, please feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.