This VSCode extension provides a convenient way to work with the st-local-crawl.tsv file. It detects the log file corresponding to the task's more info in the logs directory of your workspace.
Supports recursive search within the logs directory and opens the last matched log file.
Your workspace should include a logs directory where the log files are stored.
Open a file named st-local-crawl.tsv in your workspace.
Select the more info string from the moreInfo column.
Right click on the selected string and choose "Open Log File" from the context menu.
Additionally, you can do the following to Make hyphen (-) Part of a Word by modifying editor.wordSeparators setting
Open your VSCode settings:
Cmd+, to open the settings UI
Modify the editor.wordSeparators setting to remove the hyphen (-) from the list of separators.
Known Issues
The extension assumes that the workspace has a logs directory under the root.