Major reimplementation of the Viper-IDE to directly talk LSP with ViperServer.
Identical release as v.2.5.0.
v.2.5.0 (Viper v.22.07-release)
Default extension for Viper files is now .vpr.
ETH Zurich condemns the acts of war in Ukraine (read more).
Downgrades node-ipc to stop it from creating unexpected files.
Compatibility with the latest VSCode release (1.66.1)
Fixes discovery of Java installations to only look for 64-bit versions having version 11 or higher.
v.2.4.0 (Viper v.22.02-release)
Viper IDE cache can be stored to a file.
Bumps version number to clearly differentiate it from any release candidate. Besides that, it is equivalent to v.2.3.0.
v.2.3.0 (part of Viper v.21.07-release)
Compatibility with latest versions of Silicon and Carbon incl. latest Viper features (e.g. Map types and anonymous axioms).
Mono is no longer a requirement.
The JAVA installation has to be version 11 or higher and must be 64-bit.
The IDE now shows non-critical warning messages.
Build version of Viper Tools (i.e. the dependencies) can be configured in the VSCode settings:
Stable / Nightly: the latest Viper Tools in the corresponding build configuration will be used. The Preferences specify from which URL the Viper Tools will be downloaded. The Viper Tools are not automatically updated. They only get installed when they are not present yet or when a manual update is triggered (via the command palette). The installation folder has changed for these two build versions: They always get installed to <VSCode Installation>/User/globalStorage/viper-admin.viper where <VSCode Installation> corresponds to ~/Library/Application Support/Code (on macOS), c:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\Code (on Windows), and ~/.config/Code (on Linux).
Local: uses the Viper Tools located at the path specified as viperSettings.paths.viperToolsPath.
Locating the JAVA installation has been improved. A warning appears if it cannot be uniquely identified. A fixed path to a Java installation can be provided in the settings as viperSettings.javaSettings.javaBinary (more details).
Sound effects for a successful or failed verification can be enabled by setting viperSettings.preferences.enableSoundEffects to true.
To invalidate the cache, use Viper: flush the cache from the command palette.
Fixed a bug with internal errors not being reported properly (e.g., "tag": "internal:feature.unsupported"). See Silicon#326
Fixed a bug with error reporting in custom backends ("type": "other").
Changed the extension category to an appropriate one (Programming Languages). Thanks to Greg Van Liew for pointing that out!
Please update the IDE dependencies via Command Palette in order to use this version.
The new ViperServer avoids race conditions in HTTP router.
ViperServer's log file location is now written to the output panel.
Exceptional messages from ViperServer are now supported by the IDE.
Custom verification backends can now be used with ViperIDE/ViperServer.
Just add the following element to "viperSettings.verificationBackends" in User Settings:
core.MyCustomVerificationBackend must be a class that extends SilFrontend
that exists in a reachable JAR file (you have to manually add it to
$viperToolsPath/Viper/backends manually).
Arbitrary-large input programs are supported via JSON streaming.
Dynamic verification backends can be specified for the ViperServer engine.