Snippets for Naive UI
A Vue 3 Component Library
Fairly Complete, Theme Customizable, Uses TypeScript, Fast
There are more than 80 components. Hope they can help you write less code.
- click the extensions button (lowest square icon in the editor), and type in Naive Ui VSCode Snippets, select the one by Vidya Sagar
ext install Naive Ui VSCode Snippets
Snippet |
Naive Tag |
nava |
<n-avatar> |
nb |
<n-button> |
nbg |
<n-button-group> |
ncard |
<n-card> |
ncolla |
<n-collapse> |
ncollai |
<n-collapse-item> |
ndiv |
<n-divider> |
ndro |
<n-dropdown> |
nel |
<n-ellipsis> |
ngt |
<n-ellipsis> |
nic |
<n-icon> |
nta |
<n-tag> |
nau |
<n-auto-complete> |
ncas |
<n-cascader> |
ncp |
<n-color-picker> |
nc |
<n-checkbox> |
ncg |
<n-checkbox-group> |
ndp |
<n-date-picker> |
ndyi |
<n-dynamic-input> |
ndyt |
<n-dynamic-tags> |
nf |
<n-form> |
nipt |
<n-input> |
niptn |
<n-input-number> |
nmen |
<n-mention> |
nr |
<n-radio> |
nrg |
<n-radio-group> |
nra |
<n-rate> |
nsel |
<n-select> |
nsl |
<n-slider> |
nsw |
<n-switch> |
ntp |
<n-time-picker> |
ntr |
<n-transfer> |
nup |
<n-upload> |
ncal |
<n-calendar> |
ndt |
<n-data-table> |
ndes |
<n-descriptions> |
nemp |
<n-empty> |
nim |
<n-image> |
nimg |
<n-image-group> |
nl |
<n-list> |
nli |
<n-list-item> |
nsta |
<n-statistic> |
nt |
<n-table> |
nth |
<n-thing> |
ntim |
<n-time> |
ntl |
<n-timeline> |
ntli |
<n-timeline-item> |
ntree |
<n-tree> |
naf |
<n-affix> |
nan |
<n-anchor> |
nbt |
<n-back-top> |
nbr |
<n-breadcrumb> |
nm |
<n-menu> |
np |
<n-pagination> |
nst |
<n-steps> |
ntabs |
<n-tabs> |
ntabp |
<n-tab-pane> |
nal |
<n-alert> |
nba |
<n-badge> |
ndr |
<n-drawer> |
nmo |
<n-modal> |
npopc |
<n-popconfirm> |
npopo |
<n-popover> |
npops |
<n-popselect> |
npro |
<n-progress> |
nres |
<n-result> |
nsk |
<n-skeleton> |
nsp |
<n-spin> |
nto |
<n-tooltip> |
nla |
<n-layout> |
ngr |
<n-grid> |
ngri |
<n-grid-item> |
ns |
<n-space> |
nload |
<n-loading-bar-provider> |
ndi |
<n-dialog-provider> |
nmes |
<n-message-provider> |
nno |
<n-nofitication-provider> |
nco |
<n-config-provider> |
This is an open source project open to anyone. Contributions are welcome github
| |