###A simple snippet for classic asp written for HUCE IT training program in VN
inc | inv to include a file or virtual
os | ios to start a scripting block
ros | iros to close a scripting block and open another one, useful when you want to return a template in the middle of conditional statement
+ rs: output Result object after an SQL query
+ pag: create a code block that handle pagination for your query
+bspag: bootstrap HTML component for pagination navbar (require bootstrap included)
+ qr: create SQL statement
+ genCon: create a connection to your database
+ wres: while loop when result object not EOF
+ ifres : if condition when result object not EOF
+ ifpost : if condition when server receives POST request
Notice: if you have to register .asp file type as an languages in files.associations in your settings.json
Notice: if you to have emmet support for your classic ASP project, you'll need to include it to emmet included languages in settings.json
Notice: No more shortcut coming anytime soon, but i'm open to suggestions so feel free to comment.
###Version 1.0.0
Initial release of casp-snippet