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Quick Commands for Visual Studio Code
This extension add some simple quick commands.
Usage Instructions
Command + Shift + P
Type quick commands
Select required command
Commands List
Quick Commands: List All Commands
Quick Commands: SCSS: Lower Case Hex Color
Quick Commands: SCSS: Add Ending New Line
Quick Commands: SCSS: Remove Trailing Whitespace
Quick Commands: SCSS: Remove Leading Zeros
Quick Commands: SCSS: Remove Units On Zero Values
Quick Commands: Generate Random Password
Quick Commands: Edit: Keep Lines Containing...
Quick Commands: Edit: Remove Lines Containing...
Quick Commands: Edit: Remove Text With Given Starting And Ending
Quick Commands: Edit: Remove Duplicate Lines
Quick Commands: Add/Update Legal Headers
Create a new file wiht the name .license-header-rc
. Keep only the required content. Don't add any comment style.
Run the above command
This command will use following styles while adding legal headers
/*! ... */
style comment for - .js, .ts, .css and .scss
file extensions
"""! ... """
style comment for - .py
file extensions
Any bugs in these commands?
Need new commands?
Contact me at: sasidhar@sasidhar.com
Release Notes
0.0.12 - 17th November, 2019
Bug fixes for
Quick Commands: Add/Update Legal Headers
0.0.11 - 17th November, 2019
Added one more command
Quick Commands: Add/Update Legal Headers
0.0.10 - 15th March, 2018
Added two more command
Quick Commands: Edit: Remove Text With Given Starting And Ending
Quick Commands: Edit: Remove Duplicate Lines
0.0.9 - 15th March, 2018
Added two more command
Quick Commands: Edit: Keep Lines Containing...
Quick Commands: Edit: Remove Lines Containing...
0.0.8 - 20th February, 2018
Bux Fix: Triggering change event even if there are no changes.
0.0.7 - 20th February, 2018
Added one more command
Quick Commands: SCSS: Remove Trailing Whitespace
0.0.6 - 7th February, 2018
Added one more command
Quick Commands: SCSS: Remove Units On Zero Values
0.0.5 - 2nd February, 2018
Added one more command
Quick Commands: List All Commands
0.0.4 - 30th January, 2018
Fixed issue in the following command
Quick Commands: SCSS: Lower Case Hex Color
0.0.3 - 30th January, 2018
Added one more command
Quick Commands: Generate Random Password
0.0.2 - 29th January, 2018
Added one more command
Quick Commands: SCSS: Remove Leading Zeros
0.0.1 - 29th January, 2018
First cut with two commands
Quick Commands: SCSS: Lower Case Hex Color
Quick Commands: SCSS: Add Ending New Line