⚡️ Start watcher on work directory and Sync external changes
This is a VSCode extension inspired by the Sublime-Sync package create by Rick Groenewegen. But was updated and rewritten.
Configuration 🛠️
The extension works out of the box if working directory has file sftp-config.json
, with the following contents:
"host": "<Host IP>",
"user": "<SSH user>",
"password": "<SSH PASSWORD>",
"remote_path": "<Absolute remote path>",
"ignore_regexes": [<Array with regexps to ignore upload>],
"useRsync": <true/false>,
"rsyncExclude": [<Array with exclude path for rsync>],
"rsyncPath": "<Rsync path>",
"sshPath": "<SSH path>",
License 📄
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
Author 🙋🏽♂️
I'm Vadim Klevtsov, a software developer.