Welcome to u-blox Script IDE for Visual Studio Code!
u-blox NINA-B3 modules supports a light scripting environment as a subset of mjs (itself a subset of Javascript).
This extension leverages Visual Studio Code to provide intelliSense and syntax highlighting for Javascript.
Additionally the extension has a small built in serial bridge allowing you to manipulate the device from the IDE.
This extension activates either on finding a file named init.js in the root of your open folder or
on executing the commands u-blox: Select serial port or u-blox: Select working directory.
The following commands are available in the command palette (Ctrl+Shift+P)
u-blox: Select serial port
Displays a quick picker of available ports
u-blox: Send AT
Send any AT command to the device.
For a list of AT commands visit u-blox.com
u-blox: Send files to device
Send all .js files in the selected working directory to the device.
u-blox: Get files from device
Get all the files from the device. This will open a dialog to select folder to save them in.
u-blox: Clear files from device
Clears all the files from the device.
u-blox: Start the serial monitor
Start the serial monitor to view output from the device.
When monitoring only single AT commands may be sent.
u-blox: Stop the serial monitor
Stop the monitor.
u-blox: Run Script
Downloads the files to the device,
starts the serial monitor if not running
and restarts the device (to execute the scripts).
u-blox: Select working directory
Selects the directory from where to send files to the device.
Default is top root of workspace.
u-blox: Reset Device
Resets (restarts) the device.
u-blox: Toggle DTR
Toggles the Data Terminal Ready signal on, then off.
u-blox: Send Single File
Primarily intended to be used by the context menu action.
When used from command palette it will prompt for a full file path.
Send file to device from explorer context menu
The following settings are available under Preferences -> Settings
u-blox: Strip Ubx Library Comments
Strips comments and doc comments from u-blox library files (prefixed by ubx_).