Turqos Light
Turqoise Green Theme for VSCode.
Install the theme from here or follow the steps:
- Launch Code.
- Choose Extensions from the activity bar or serch command Intall Extentions or press cmd+shift+X.
- Search for turqos.
- Install extention Turqos.
- Choose Preferenses: Color Theme or press cmd+K+T
***Configuration (optional) ***
To change the color of brackes match border (purple by default), add to settings.json:
"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
"[Turqos ~ THEME]": {
"editorBracketMatch.border": "#a9a9a9"
If you want more, open an issue and tell me what you'd like to change
UI helpers (optional)
Colorize editor's brackets in shades of green by Bracket Pair Colorizer 2
"bracket-pair-colorizer-2.colors": [
| |