Extension with support for g-codeAt the moment the following file extensions are supported:
HighlightingThe extension highlights diffrent patterns with diffrent colors. Formatting documentWith this extension formatting your gcode is possible. To format the document you can either right click and select Code definitionsThis extension provides code definition for a small collection of g-code Code completionAdditionally there is a support for a handful of shortcuts as well as a shortcut for section comments RenumberingYou have the option to renumber a whole document or just part of it as well. Renumber document with starting numberThere is a function called renumber which allows you to renumber the whole document with dynamically set starting linenumber and step. Renumber selected part of a documentThere is also a function which allows you to renumber line numbers of the selected part with 3 diffrent static steps. Section commentsWhen using section comments it might be useful to increment the line numbers afterwards. This extension can do this for you. To use this feature you first have to enable it in the settings. For that simply search for these two settings and modify them:
LST-Header hoveringWhen hovering over values from a table it provides you with the definition string from the table |