✨ This extension helps in creating files and folders easily from defined templates.
File template support
Folder template support
Right click on any folder/file in your current project. You can find command that has been added to the context menu: Generate from Template. Click on it, select a template and enter a word that will replace the fields in the template.
Templates path
Custom fields
{{ inputName }} : input name
{{ Name }} : PascalCaseFileName
{{ name }} : camelCaseFileName
You can define the name displayed on the template selector, like:
Also you can define folder name in your template folder:
⚠ The name of the file or folder must not contain spaces.
e.g not {{ inputName }}, but {{inputName}}
File name :
File content :
import { Module } from '@nestjs/common'
import { {{ Name }}Controller } from './{{ inputName }}.controller'
import { {{ Name }}Service } from './{{ inputName }}.service'
controllers: [{{ Name }}Controller],
providers: [{{ Name }}Service],
exports: [{{ Name }}Service],
export class {{ Name }}Module {}