If you encounter any problems with the plugin, feel free to raise an issue on my github to help me make it better!
and feel free to suggest improvements to the code implementation
Quick Start
there is no default key map, define yourself.
there many useful commands defined in vscode command palette, if you are not familiar with it, I suggest you read this document, it will greatly improve your efficiency in using vscode.
Run command from the command palette by pressing (Ctrl+Shift+P or Cmd+Shift+P on Mac) and type bookmark_x ...
drag and drop
customized bookmark svg icon(set in settings)
nested group
activate group(new bookmarks'll be added here)
bookmark count(shown on badge)
all avaliable commands
toggle bookmark: toggle bookmark on current line
toggle lable bookmark: toggle bookmark and input label
add group: add a group
clear data: clear all data in extension
load bookmarks in workspace: load bookmarks in {your_workspace}/.vscode/bookmark_x.json
save bookmarks in workspace: save bookmarks in {your_workspace}/.vscode/bookmark_x.json
reveal bookmark in current line: show the bookmark on current line
[x] multi drag and drop support
[ ] save customized svg bookmark icon in extension for select and switch
[ ] better performance
[x] reveal bookmark in tree view
[ ] bookmark search
[ ] pin bookmark/group
Known issue
when using alt + up/down to move line, you need to pay attension to the bookmarks of the rows you are moving.
If two adjacent lines have bookmarks, deleting from the beginning of the next line to merge the two lines will cause the bookmarks to merge, and the merging of bookmarks cannot be undone.
when using git or svn to pull code from repo, If there are bookmarks in the updated file, it is not possible to anticipate changes to bookmarks. bookmarks in other files are unaffected.
Formatter large changes to the document may also cause bookmarks to be misplaced
Commonly used object relation figure is shown below.