Checks the cursor's position in the editor and sets the context.
You can use these contexts in when conditions for keyboard shortcuts.
Here is the English translation:
Context Key
Characters to Check
The area to the right of the cursor is normal (not at the beginning of the line, no specific characters)
The area to the left of the cursor is normal (not at the beginning of the line, no specific characters)
The cursor is at the beginning of the line
The cursor is at the end of the line
The character to the left (previous) of the cursor is a specific character (quote, bracket/tag) or a space followed by a specific character
"'``(){}[]<> Can be changed in settings
The character to the right (next) of the cursor is a specific character (quote, bracket/tag) or a space followed by a specific character
"'``(){}[]<> Can be changed in settings
Usage example of context keys
In normal cases, use cursorWordEndRight to move the cursor word by word.
When a specific character or a space followed by a specific character is to the right of the cursor, you can move to the next character using cursorRight.
When at the end of the line, the default behavior occurs, and a space is inserted.