VS Code extension, made to bring more advanced surround functionalities to VS Code. It would enable user to surround selection(s), remove surround or change them.
Launch VS Code Quick Open (Ctrl+P), paste the following command, and press enter.
This is a VS Code extension, made to bring more advanced surround functionalities to VS Code. It would enable user to surround selection(s), remove surround or change them.
[x] publish extensions on VS Code marketplace
[x] add keybindings
[x] add surround
[ ] remove surround
[ ] change surround
[ ] better README
[ ] add settings
[ ] create GitHub action to automate publishing
ctrl + alt + a (cmd + option + a on mac): add surround
ctrl + alt + x (cmd + option + x on mac): remove surround
ctrl + alt + r (cmd + option + r on mac): replace surround