This is a collection of Visual Studio Code snippets for the
Advanced Custom Fields Wordpress plugin.
The snippets allow you to easily create fields and field groups in PHP without making use of the GUI.
Release Notes
Users appreciate release notes as you update your extension.
0.3.0 (WIP)
Added acf_add_flex_content. Now you can easily create flexible content! I don't know why this snippet didn't exist yet.
Removed some persistent whitelines
Added the acf_add_repeater snippet. Now you can easily create repeaters!
Removed the comments
Fixed some small bugs in some fields (missing commas, incorrect autotabbing stuff)
the acf_add_local_field() function wrapped around each field is now a separate snippet. Allowing you to easily register any field inside a field group without needing to remove that outer function.
Removed an empty whiteline below every 'name' property for consistency
Patched in the missing , after each 'parent' => '' property.
Switched to indentation using tabstops rather than hardcoded spaces
Fixed some variable placeholders that did not start with a $ like {4:PLACEHOLDER}
Updated ${1:KEY} to start with the mandatory 'field_' for acf fields -> ${1:field_KEY}
Updated ${1:KEY} to start with the mandatory 'group_' for acf field groups -> ${1:group_KEY}