kleio READMEMHK Time Link is a web application that manages databases for micro-historical and genealogical research. It allows source-oriented data input, using Manfred Thaller Kleio notation, record linking and network analysis. The development of MHK is coordinated by Joaquim Carvalho, of the University of Coimbra, Portugal. This extension adds support for the Kleio notation in Visual Studio Code editor, including Syntax Highlighting, Snippet completion and Kleio Files management (error/warning displaying, translation status filtering, etc). Install the extension manually in Visual Studio Code (VS Code)We recommend installing the extension from the Visual Studio Marketplace. Extensions that you download from the Visual Studio Marketplace are automatically updated by default.
RequirementsThis bundle requires Visual Studio Code with extensions support. Development NotesAdding New FeaturesThe grammar was converted from TextMate using the yo code extension generator. The included Time Link bundle (Time Link.tmbundle) can be used to easily make changes to the TextMate grammar, and then convert the bundle to a VSCode extension. Install yo Yeoman command line utility more info:
Create a package:Create a package using vsce (The Visual Studio Code Extension Manager)Install typescript and extension dependencies:
Generate the package:
Publish to Visual Studio Marketplace:
If token expired run:
More info at https://code.visualstudio.com/api/working-with-extensions/publishing-extension Convert TextMate bundle features using Yeoman code extension generator:
Select "New Language Support" Input the "URL or file to import" (e.g. 'TimeLink.tmbundle/Syntaxes/Kleio.tmLanguage') Accept the defaults Select "New Code Snippets" Input the "URL or file to import" (e.g. 'TimeLink.tmbundle/Snippets') Accept the defaults Assign keybindings to snippetsKeymaps from TextMate Bundles (Key Equivalent) don't migrate to VS Code. Keybindings must be added manually to package.json file to 'keybindings' section where 'name' is the snippet name:
Known IssuesRelease Notes1.0.16Adds option to delete generated files only New VSCode setting for Kleio Server Host, Port and Token 1.0.1Several optimisations in kleio status updates 1.0.0Feature complete release. Only presents .cli files in explorer (with an option to enable listing of all files) 0.9.8 (RC)Filter by status now loads status recursively for each folder at root. File diagnostics (error/warning) loaded all at once when folder is expanded. Show feedback when getting status from kleio server. 0.9.5Fixes the update of files when a file with error finishes translating 0.9.4Changes on filter by kleio status views. 0.9.3Fixes files update when translation status changes or user requests a refresh Other bug fixes 0.9.2Fixes Translation Service call when running the extension in Windows. 0.9.1Adds reload button to extension views (translation needed, with error, etc). Fixes Kleio Translation Service calls. Fixes in syntax highlight. 0.9.0Load and display file status from Kleio Server (when running locally). Start file translation by right click on .cli files (and with CMD/CTRL + SHIFT + T). Custom icon for .cli files. Add views showing files grouped by status (Translation Needed, With Errors, With Warnings, Ready for Import). Syntax highlighting now highlights the first token after the $ separator. Bug fixes and code cleanup. Translation service on file save. Loads cli diagnostic errors when an .err file is created (when translation finishes). 0.4.0Loads errors and warnings from .rpt files and displays in Problems pane. Includes Completion Provider (work in progress). 0.3.0Adds Time Link extension to VSCode View Container. Includes 'Time Link File Explorer' tree view and 'Kleio Files Status' view (work in progress). 0.2.0Includes hover information support, including update from documentation server (no real information yet). 0.1.0This version completes support for snippet completion (baptismf, casamentof, obitof, escrituras). Includes basic hover information (static for now). 0.0.2This version adds support for basic snippet completion (baptism acts only). 0.0.1Very initial release of Time Link extension for VSCode. Includes syntax highlighting. |