Sparrow Keys is a Visual Studio Code extension that provides useful keyboard shortcuts.
F1 in the quick open
Open the recently opened file. This command is similar to workbench.action.openNextRecentlyUsedEditorInGroup, but this does not distract you with any dialogs or pop-ups.
Copy and paste the current active file name without its file extension and suffix immediately.
Trigger workbench.files.action.focusFilesExplorer, workbench.files.action.showActiveFileInExplorer, and renameFile commands respectively.
Ctrl+D on the explorer view
Trigger filesExplorer.copy and filesExplorer.paste commands respectively. This must be called when you focus on the files explorer only.
Ctrl+D on a document
Duplicate the select semantic node or the current active line. The semantic node supports JavaScript/TypeScript/JSON statements, object members, array members, function parameters, call arguments, if/else-if/else clauses, switch-case clauses, and arithmetic/bitwise/logical binary operands.
Alt+T U
Convert the selected text to all upper case.
Alt+T L
Convert the selected text to all lower case.
Alt+T F
Convert the selected text to capitalized-each word.
Alt+T C
Convert the selected text to all camel case, for example camelCase.
Alt+T P
Convert the selected text to all Pascal case, for example PascalCase.
Alt+T S
Convert the selected text to all snake case, for example snake_case.
Alt+T D
Convert the selected text to all dash case, for example dash-case.