Cosmic Cursor is a Visual Studio Code extension that overrides some cursor-moving keyboard shortcuts.
|Windows: Ctrl+Up Ctrl+Down macOS: ⌥↑ ⌥↓|Move cursor up/down by 3 character-containing lines. This skips empty lines and lines that contain only non-word characters.
|Windows: Ctrl+Shift+Up macOS: ⇧⌥↑|Select like the built-in editor.action.smartSelect.grow command, but better with JavaScript/TypeScript/JSON/React files.|
|Windows: Ctrl+Shift+Down macOS: ⇧⌥↓|Reduce the selection made by Ctrl+Shift+Up
|Windows: Ctrl+Left Ctrl+Right macOS: ⌥← ⌥→|Move cursor left/right by one word. This is different from the built-in cursorWordStartLeft and cursorWordEndRight commands because this considers camelCase as two words and skips non-word characters.
|Windows: Ctrl+Shift+Left Ctrl+Shift+Right macOS: ⇧⌥← ⇧⌥→|Similar to Ctrl+Left/Ctrl+Right, but expand the selection instead of moving the cursor.
|Backspace|Delete the character on the left of the cursor. If the cursor is in front of the first non-white-space character of the line, this will also delete the white-space characters till the beginning of the line.|
|Delete|Delete the character on the right of the cursor. If the cursor is at the end of the line, this will also delete the white-space characters at the beginning of the next line; leaving only zero or one white-space as a bumper.|
|Shift+Delete|Delete the select line(s).|