mu-tiano-dependency-updater READMEThis extension adds a check for and the ability to update, available releases of assets stored in secureboot_binaries_ext_dep.yaml files. FeaturesThis extension checks the workspace for the existence of secureboot_binaries_ext_dep.yaml files, then using the information contained within, checks to see if there is a github release version newer than the one contained in the file. if so, then it shows the available update and allows the user to update the file to point at the new release. For example if there is an image subfolder under your extension project workspace:
RequirementsIf you have any requirements or dependencies, add a section describing those and how to install and configure them. Extension SettingsThis extension does not currently have any settings. Known IssuesThis extension will not currently update the sha256 sum of the payload (YET!) Release NotesThis is the first release of the extension. 0.0.1Implement detection of secureboot_binaries_ext_dep.yaml files and allow updating of release version numbers within the file. |