Make extension with customizable dashboard.
Todos, notes, snippets, etc. integrated into development flow.
Available features
Todoist integration in sidebar (tree view)
get projects, sections, tasks
complete, uncomplete tasks
open tasks in browser
create tasks and section in project or section
inline edit tasks, sections, projects name
notifications on due date of task (passed or came)
show code lens for todos
toggle codelens mode
custom regex for codelens
highlighting links from tasks content and open them in browser
Today/Upcoming/Missed views
Copy to clipboard text content of task
Create tasks from toolbar, project or section
Edit tasks content, (un)complete tasks
Add tasks from code. Deep links from sidebar and web application
Open links from task content using action icon
File > Preferences > Settings > InFocus
Setting id: infocus.todoist.token - token to access todoist
Setting id: infocus.todoist.syncInternval - value in minutes at which interval Todoist data is synced. If set to 0, interval will not be used. You can steel sync by action from sidebar.
Setting id: infocus.todoist.regexp - regexp pattern to match todos from code with codelens