Grammar SyntaxThis extension adds syntax highlighting for Features
PreviewSyntaxBasic syntaxYou can define a rule using this syntax:
You should only use lowercase letters and - (hyphen) in naming a rule. To define a constant token, use this syntax:
Use capital letters and - (hyphen) for naming a constant token. You need to surround the token with quotes except when using RegEx. You also must escape the special RegEx characters. You can also use RegEx in defining a constant token. Learn more about RegEx below. Lastly, you can provide alternate rules using the pipe (|) symbol. Here is a rule that matches a integer OR a floating-point number:
Yes, I know it can still be simplified. Regular expressionsYou can use RegEx syntax such as For example, to define a constant token that matches any length of letters (including underscore) or numbers:
You can also use RegEx for recursion. For example, here is a rule that matches a term at least once:
Release Notes1.0.0Initial release of Grammar Syntax. |