Smartly paste for Markdown.
Predefined variables
or ${workspaceFolder}
- the path of the folder opened in VS Code
- the name of the folder opened in VS Code without any slashes (/)
- the current opened file's workspace folder
or ${filePath}
- the current opened file
- the current opened file's dirname relative to $fileWorkspaceFolder
- the current opened file's base name
- the current opened file's base name with no file extension
- the current opened file's extension
- the current opened file's directory name
- the current date & time formatted by "yyyyMMDDHHmmss"
, You can customize the format by format string. exp: ${datetime|yyyy-MM-DD_HH-mm-ss}
- the current selected text. If selected text contain illegal characters \/:*?""<>|\r\n
it will return "". You can also set the default text, exp: ${selectedText|default text}
, If selected text contain illegal characters or selected text is empty it will return the default text.
- a random UUID v4
The folder path that image will be saved. Support absolute path and relative path and predefined variables.
Default value is ${fileDirname}
The string as the default image file name. Support predefined variables.
Default value is ${datetime|yyyyMMDDHHmmss}
The string prepend to the default image file name. Support predefined variables.
Default value is ""
The string append to the default image file name. Support predefined variables.
Default value is ""
Enable/disable showing confirm box while paste image. Set this config option to true
, filename confirm box will not be shown while paste image.
Default value is false
Enable/disable using HTML img tag with width and height for pasting image. If this option be enabled, you can input width and height by using <filepath>[?width,height]
in filename confirm input box. for example input \abc\filename.png?200,100
, then <img src='\abc\filename.png' width='200' height='100' />
will be inserted.
Default value is true
Encode path link to URL-encode format.
Encode all characters to URL-encode format.
Encode ' '
(space) to '%20'
Encode nothing.
Default value is encodeSpaceOnly
If you want to define your own regex to parse and replace content for pasting text. You can fill the following JSON, and set it to this option.
// rule 1
"regex": "(https?:\/\/.*)", // your javascript style regex
"options": "ig", // regex option
"replace": "[]($1)" // replace string
// rule 2
"regex": "(https?:\/\/.*)", // your javascript style regex
"options": "ig", // regex option
"replace": "[]($1)" // replace string
The extension will try to test text content by regex defined in this option, if matched it will replace content by using the TypeScript function string.replace().
Default value is:
"regex": "^(?:https?://)?(?:(?:(?:www\\.?)?youtube\\.com(?:/(?:(?:watch\\?.*?v=([^&\\s]+).*)|))?))",
"options": "g",
"replace": "[]($1)"
"regex": "^(https?://.*)",
"options": "ig",
"replace": "[]($1)"
NOTE While pasting image, this option also apply to render image path link.
If true, it will apply all rules to the same text orderly, instead only the first applicable one.
Default value is True
Enable/disable converting html to markdown.
Default value is True
Enable/disable using rules after converting html to markdown.
Default value is True
Use turndown options when cover html to markdown, please see turndown options for detail.
Default value is setext
As MarkdownPaste.rules
, you can define rules for other language (for example: asciidoc).
"asciidoc": [
"regex": "^(?:https?://)?(?:(?:(?:www\\.?)?youtube\\.com(?:/(?:(?:watch\\?.*?v=([^&\\s]+).*)|))?))",
"options": "g",
"replace": "image::$1/0.jpg[link=\"$1\"]"
"regex": "^(https?://.*)",
"options": "ig",
"replace": "image::$1[linktext,300]"
"regex": "(.*/media/)(.*)",
"options": "",
"replace": "image::$2[linktext,300]"
"markdownx": [
"regex": "^(?:https?://)?(?:(?:(?:www\\.?)?youtube\\.com(?:/(?:(?:watch\\?.*?v=([^&\\s]+).*)|))?))",
"options": "g",
"replace": "[]($1)"
"regex": "^(https?://.*)",
"options": "ig",
"replace": "[]($1)"
NOTE If any language rule been matched, it will not apply MarkdownPaste.rules
Auto select clipboard type while multiple clipboard types are available. default is: html&text
Auto select clipboard type priority. default is:
Enable AI clipboard parsing feature. default is false
Set OpenAI (compatible) connection options. default is:
"MarkdownPaste.openaiConnectOption": {
"apiKey": "",
"baseURL": "",
"maxRetries": 2
The extension use Groq LLM server by default. You can got an API key from
The extension use OpenAi Node to connect LLM server. So you can also use another LLM server by setting MarkdownPaste.openaiConnectOption.baseURL
, e.g. MarkdownPaste.openaiConnectOption.baseURL = ""
, the more detail about openai connection options, please see:
Set OpenAI completion template. default is:
"model": "llama-3.1-70b-versatile",
"messages": [
"role": "system",
"content": [
"You are a helpful assistant."
"role": "user",
"content": [
"Translate the following text into English and output in markdown format:",
"max_tokens": 4096
Note: The extension will replace {{clipboard_text}}
with your clipboard content.
Set OpenAI completion template file. default is: ${fileWorkspaceFolder}/.openaiCompletionTemplate.json
If you want to write more complicated AI completion template, you can use this option.
(New Feature) Define custom rules to modify the target image path and Markdown link pattern based on the current Markdown file's path. Each rule is an object with the following properties:
: A regex pattern (as a string) to test against the current Markdown file’s full path.
: A string pattern (supports predefined variables) that specifies where the image should be saved.
: A string pattern (supports predefined variables) that specifies how the Markdown link for the image should be formatted. You can use ${altText}
as selected text,${imageFilePath}
as image saved path in the setting.
(optional): Regex options (e.g., "i"
) for the matching pattern.
"MarkdownPaste.imageRules": [
"match": "courses.*cysec",
"targetPath": "${workspaceFolder}/labs/public/images/cysec/${fileBasenameNoExtension}_${datetime|yyyy-MM-DD_HH-mm-ss}",
"linkPattern": ""
"match": "courses.*wired",
"targetPath": "${workspaceFolder}/labs/public/images/wired/${fileBasenameNoExtension}_${datetime|yyyy-MM-DD_HH-mm-ss}",
"linkPattern": "<img src='/images/wired/${fileBasenameNoExtension}_${datetime|yyyy-MM-DD_HH-mm-ss}.png' alt='${altText}'/>"