s3uploader (VSCode)
VSCode Extension; file uploader to Amazon S3 with inserting link.
- [ ] Upload file by drag & drop.
- [x] Upload file by copy file absolute link & paste.
- [ ] Upload file by copy file relative link & paste.
- [ ] Upload file by copy image file binary & paste.
- [ ] Upload multiple files at once.
- [ ] Support multiple destination AWS account / S3 bucket.
- [ ] Support other storage services.
- [x] Insert Markdown tag (image or link).
- [x] Insert HTML tag (image or link).
AWS configuration
Create access key:
- Sign in to AWS console and open IAM dashboard.
- Open user's [Security credentials] tab.
- Click [Create access key], and copy access key ID / secret access key.
Configure credentials (only show the case of macOS):
Install awscli.
brew install awscli
Add AWS default configurations.
aws configure
Create S3 bucket:
- Sign in to AWS console and open S3 console.
- Click [Create bucket] and copy bucket name.
Extension Settings
s3uploader-vscode.basic.s3BucketName : S3 bucket name
s3uploader-vscode.basic.s3DirectoryPath : S3 directory path
s3uploader-vscode.advanced.s3BucketCustomUrl : S3 bucket custom URL (If you wanna replace default one)
s3uploader-vscode.advanced.useUuidAsFileName : Use UUID as upload file name
Extension Commands
s3uploader-vscode.uploadCopiedFileAndPasteLink : Insert clipboard file link with S3 Uploading (default: ctrl+shift+u)
s3uploader-vscode.uploadSelectedFileAndInsertLink : Insert selected file link with S3 uploading (default: ctrl+alt+u)
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