uyun-Design Snippets for VS Code
Install the extension here
Or by opening the Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P), and running
ext install uyun-snippets
Available Snippets
Trigger |
Description |
uybutton |
Button |
uybutton-w-icon |
Button with Icon |
uybutton-radio-group |
Radio Group Button |
uybutton-group |
Basic Button Group |
uyicon |
Icon |
uyrow |
The Basic Grid Row |
uylayout |
The Basic Layout |
uyaffix |
Affix |
uybread |
Breadcrumb |
uydropdown |
The Basic Dropdown |
uymenu |
Menu |
uysteps |
Steps |
uytabs |
Tabs |
uylist |
List |
uycascader |
Cascader |
uytag |
Tag |
uydatepicker |
DatePicker |
uydatepicker-monthpicker |
MonthPicker |
uydatepicker-rangepicker |
RangePicker |
uydatepicker-weekpicker |
WeekPicker |
uytimepicker |
TimePicker |
uyavatar |
Avatar |
uyautocomplete |
AutoComplete |
uypagination |
Pagination |
uycheckbox |
The Basic Checkbox |
uycheckbox-group |
Generate a group of checkboxes from an array |
uyform |
Create a vertical Form |
uyform-horizontal |
Horizontal Form |
uyform-wrapped |
Create a Form to be wrapped by Form.create() |
uyform-inline |
Create an inline Form |
uyinput |
Basic Input |
uyinput-addon |
Input With addon |
uyinput-number |
Input Number |
uyinput-formatted |
Input Formatted |
uyinput-select |
Create an Input Group with Select |
uyinput-group |
Input Group |
uyinput-group-compact |
Create an Input Gourp with compact mode |
uyslider |
Slider |
uyswitch |
Switch |
uycard |
Carousel |
uyrate |
Rate |
uyprogress |
Progress |
uyskeleton |
Skeleton |
uyspin |
Spin |
uyspin-container |
Spin in Container |
uyradio |
Radio |
uyradiogroup |
Radio Group |
uyradiogroup-button |
Radio Button Group |
uyselect |
Select |
uybadge |
Badge |
uycard |
Card with extra |
uycollapse |
Collapse |
uypopover |
Popover |
uytooltip |
Tooltip |
uytable |
Basic JSX Style Table |
uytimeline |
Timeline |
uyalert |
Alert |
uymodal |
Modal |
uymodal-info |
Information Modal |
uymessage |
Message |
uynotification |
Notification |
uypopconfirm |
Popconfirm |
| |