Vector Replace (Extension of Visual Studio Code)Vector Replace is extension of Visual Studio Code for replacing multiple words. FeaturesOpen the text editor, you will see the navigation menu of Vector Replace on top left. Click this menu icon to open a view of the search and replace settings. Enter search and replace text and click the "Replace" button, then text will be replaced on the active text editor. In this extension, search text and replace text are specified multiple per line. See the following image: If you specify like this in the search pane, 'a' is searched at first, 'b' is searched next, and 'c' is searched at last. Further, if you specify as above in the replace pane, 'a' will be replaced by '1', 'b' will be replaced by '2', and 'c' will be replaced by '3'. SettingsSelection searchIf checking this, search and replace target are limited into selection ranges. Use regular expressionIf checking this, can use regular expression in the search pane. Also, can use the capturing replace by using '$'. Capture wholeThis setting can be enabled when 'Use regular expression' is enabled. If checking this, each search strings are interpreted that those are enclosed in parentheses, so always can use '$1' as whole search string on replace. Ignore case searchIf checking this, can be ignored upper/lower case when searching. Ignore bang searchIf checking this, can be ignored rows that start with '!' in the search pane. If you want to search for '!' itself, start with '!!'. Ignore bang replaceIf checking this, can be ignored rows that start with '!' in the replace pane. If you want to replace for '!' itself, start with '!!'. Ignore empty searchThis check cannot be changed. In the search pane, empty rows are ignored. Ignore empty replaceIf checking this, can be ignored empty rows in the replace pane. Loop searchIf checking this, search strings are looped. When a search string reaches to the end, and returns to the beginning of search strings. Loop replaceIf checking this, replace strings are looped. When a replace string reaches to the end, and returns to the beginning of replace strings. Just searchIf checking this, the search will not be match when only matches until a part of all search strings. For example, loop search is enabled and search strings are 'a', 'b', 'c', then 'abcab' is matched by only 'abc'. Matrix searchIf checking this, each search strings will be searched from all of text on the editor. Each replace strings will be corresponded to each search strings. Release Notes2.0.2Fix background color in the setting view #14 2.0.1Fix 2.0.0Features:
1.1.1Fix bugs:
1.1.0Features: 1.0.6Fix bugs:
1.0.5Update packages. 1.0.4Update packages. 1.0.3Fix new line searching behaviour. 1.0.2Fix fatal bug that cannot responds if returns 0 length string, such as '.*'. 1.0.1Update packages. 1.0.0Initial release. |