Rich set of utilities providing IDE like capabilities for StarCraft 2 Galaxy Script language, as Visual Studio Code extension.
[x] Code syntax highlighting:
[x] Basic completion snippets.
[x] Real time code diagnostics - syntax validation, as well as typechecking.
[x] Context aware code completions.
[x] Signature help for functions.
[x] Document and workspace symbols navigation list.
[x] Symbol definitions provider (goto click). <kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+Click on identifier will go to its declaration.
[x] Tooltips when hovering over symbol identifiers.
[x] Find all symbol references
[x] Symbol rename command
[x] Indexing of Trigger scheme files to extract elements metadata and associate it with their auto-generated symbols. This allows it to provide localized documentation, aswell better code completions for things like presets.
[x] Indexing of game data *Data.xml files. To provide code completions of gamelink types. (i.e. complete list of available units will be provided for functions such as UnitCreate).
Notice: Actual indexing logic is provided by plaxtony library. This extension is merely a wrapper.