JavaScript && Typescript
VS Code JavaScript (ES6+) snippets
This extension contains code snippets for JavaScript in ES6 syntax for [Vs Code][code] editor (supports both JavaScript and TypeScript).
- Open the extensions sidebar on Visual Studio Code
- Search for Javascript(ES6)
- Click Install
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The languages supported (file extensions)
- JavaScript (.js)
- TypeScript (.ts)
- JavaScript React (.jsx)
- TypeScript React (.tsx)
- Html (.html)
- Vue (.vue)
Snippets are optimized to be short and easy to remember.
Below is a list of all available snippets and the triggers of each one. The ⇥ means the TAB key.
Import and export
Trigger |
Content |
imp⇥ |
imports entire module import fs from 'fs'; |
imn⇥ |
imports entire module without module name import 'bootstrap.min.css' |
imd⇥ |
imports only a portion of the module using destructing import {rename} from 'fs'; |
ime⇥ |
imports everything as alias from the module import * as alias from 'fs'; |
ima⇥ |
imports only a portion of the module as alias import { rename as localRename } from 'fs'; |
rqr⇥ |
require package require(''); |
req⇥ |
require package to const const packageName = require('packageName'); |
mde⇥ |
default module.exports module.exports = {}; |
env⇥ |
exports name variable export const nameVariable = localVariable; |
enf⇥ |
exports name function export const log = (parameter) => { console.log(parameter);}; |
edf⇥ |
exports default function export default function fileName (parameter){ console.log(parameter);}; |
ecl⇥ |
exports default class export default class Calculator { }; |
ece⇥ |
exports default class by extending a base one export default class Calculator extends BaseClass { }; |
Object and Class helpers
Trigger |
Content |
con⇥ |
adds default constructor in the class constructor() {} |
met⇥ |
creates a method inside a class test() {} |
pge⇥ |
creates a getter property get propertyName() {return value;} |
pse⇥ |
creates a setter property set propertyName(value) {} |
gs⇥ |
creates a getter and setter property set propertyName(value) {} get propertyName(){return value;} |
ol⇥ |
creates an object literal set propertyName(value) {} |
proto⇥ |
creates a prototype method obj.prototype.add = function() {} |
oa⇥ |
creates an object assign obj.assign(destObj, sourceObj) |
Various methods
Trigger |
Content |
fre⇥ |
forEach loop in ES6 syntax array.forEach(currentItem => {}) |
fof⇥ |
for ... of loop for(const item of object) {} |
fin⇥ |
for ... in loop for(const item in object) {} |
anfn⇥ |
creates an anonymous function (params) => {} |
nfn⇥ |
creates a named function const add = (params) => {} |
gn⇥ |
creates a generator function* () {} |
gfn⇥ |
creates a named generator function* generator() {} |
dob⇥ |
destructing object syntax const {rename} = fs |
dar⇥ |
destructing array syntax const [first, second] = [1,2] |
sti⇥ |
set interval helper method setInterval(() => {}); |
sto⇥ |
set timeout helper method setTimeout(() => {}); |
prom⇥ |
creates a new Promise return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {}); |
thenc⇥ |
adds then and catch declaration to a promise .then((res) => {}).catch((err) => {}); |
Console methods
Trigger |
Content |
cas⇥ |
console alert method console.assert(expression, object) |
cc⇥ |
console clear console.clear() |
cco⇥ |
console count console.count(label) |
cdb⇥ |
console debug console.debug(object) |
cdi⇥ |
console dir console.dir |
cer⇥ |
console error console.error(object) |
cgr⇥ |
console group |
cge⇥ |
console groupEnd console.groupEnd() |
cl⇥ |
console log console.log(object) |
clo⇥ |
console log object with name console.log('object :>> ', object); |
ctr⇥ |
console trace console.trace(object) |
cw⇥ |
console warn console.warn |
ci⇥ |
console info |
ct⇥ |
console table console.table |
cti⇥ |
console time console.time |
cte⇥ |
console timeEnd console.timeEnd |
Timers & strict mode
Trigger |
Content |
sti⇥ |
setInterval setInterval(()=>{},time) |
sto⇥ |
setTimeOut setTimeOut(()=>{},time) |
Trigger |
Content |
tof⇥ |
typeof object or instance typeof x === 'number' |
iof⇥ |
instanceof person instanceof Client |
Trigger |
Content |
us⇥ |
use strict mode 'use strict'; |
Testing (Mocha, Jasmine, etc.)
Trigger |
Content |
desc⇥ |
describe describe('description',()=> {}) |
cont⇥ |
context context('description',()=> {}) |
it⇥ |
it it('description',()=> {}) |
its⇥ |
it synchronous it('description',()=> {}) |
bf⇥ |
before test suite before(()=> {}) |
bfe⇥ |
before each test beforeEach(()=> {}) |
aft⇥ |
after test suite after(()=> {}) |
afe⇥ |
after each test afterEach(()=> {}) |
Trigger |
Content |
docId⇥ |
document.getElementById(selector); |
docS⇥ |
"document.querySelector(selector); |
docSAll⇥ |
"document.querySelectorAll(selector); |
docC⇥ |
"document.getElementsByClassName(selector); |
docC⇥ |
"document.getElementsByClassName(selector); |
docN⇥ |
"document.getElementsByName(selector); |
docT⇥ |
"document.getElementsByTagName(elem); |
docTxt⇥ |
"document.createTextNode(text); |
addEv⇥ |
"exmaple.addEventListener(event,()=>{}); |
Trigger |
Content |
desc⇥ |
describe |
desco⇥ |
describe.only |
descs⇥ |
describe.skip |
desce⇥ |
describe.each |
ae⇥ |
after each |
aa⇥ |
after all |
be⇥ |
before each |
ba⇥ |
before all |
Trigger |
Content |
it⇥ |
it |
ito⇥ |
it.only |
its⇥ |
it.skip |
itt⇥ |
it.todo |
ite⇥ |
it.each |
ita⇥ |
it(..., async ...) |
test⇥ |
test |
testo⇥ |
test.only |
tests⇥ |
test.skip |
testt⇥ |
test.todo |
teste⇥ |
test.each |
testet⇥ |
test.each (table) |
testa⇥ |
test(..., async ...) |
Trigger |
Content |
exp⇥ |
expect |
expr⇥ |
expect.resolves |
exprj⇥ |
expect.rejects |
expas⇥ |
expect.assertions(count) |
expha⇥ |
expect.hasAssertions() |
tb⇥ |
toBe |
tbct⇥ |
toBeCloseTo |
tbd⇥ |
toBeDefined |
tbf⇥ |
toBeFalsy |
tbgt⇥ |
toBeGreaterThan |
tbgte⇥ |
toBeGreaterThanOrEqual |
tbi⇥ |
toBeInstanceOf |
tblt⇥ |
toBeLessThan |
tblte⇥ |
toBeLessThanOrEqual |
tbn⇥ |
toBeNull |
tbt⇥ |
toBeTruthy |
tbu⇥ |
toBeUndefined |
tc⇥ |
toContain |
tce⇥ |
toContainEqual |
te⇥ |
toEqual |
tse⇥ |
toStrictEqual |
thbc⇥ |
toHaveBeenCalled |
thbct⇥ |
toHaveBeenCalledTimes |
thbcw⇥ |
toHaveBeenCalledWith |
thblcw⇥ |
toHaveBeenLastCalledWith |
thl⇥ |
toHaveLength |
thp⇥ |
toHaveProperty |
tm⇥ |
toMatch |
tmo⇥ |
toMatchObject |
tms⇥ |
toMatchSnapshot |
tmis⇥ |
toMatchInlineSnapshot |
tt⇥ |
toThrow |
tte⇥ |
toThrowError |
ttems⇥ |
toThrowErrorMatchingSnapshot |
ttemis⇥ |
toThrowErrorMatchingInlineSnapshot |
Trigger |
Content |
cut⇥ |
test a class under test |
jfn⇥ |
jest.fn |
Issues & Suggestions
For any issues or suggestions, please use GitHub issues.
| |