This extension adds syntax highlighting intended for SvelTeX files. SvelTeX is a
preprocessor for Svelte that aims to combine markdown, Svelte, and (some) LaTeX.
Svelte + Markdown syntax highlighting (incl. fenced code blocks, though only with ~40 languages).
Syntax highlighting for math expressions in $...$, $$...$$, \(...\), and
\[...\] delimiters.
LaTeX syntax highlighting in "LaTeX tags" (configurable).
Turn off highlighting in "Escape tags" (configurable).
This extension requires the svelte.svelte-vscode VS Code extension to be installed.
This is because the TextMate grammar for SvelTeX depends on Svelte's TextMate
Extension Settings
This extension contributes the following settings:
sveltex.latexTags: Tags to use for LaTeX components. In effect, this will
just modify this extension's TextMate grammar so that the contents of these
tags are highlighted as LaTeX.
sveltex.escapeTags: Tags to use for non-TeX verbatim components. In
effect, this will just modify this extension's TextMate grammar so that the
contents of these tags are highlighted the same way as a plaintext fenced
code block would in markdown.
⚠ Note: You might need to reload the window for the changes to take effect.
In LaTeX / math expressions, you may sometimes wish to have unbalanced
brackets (e.g., [0, 1) for intervals). Because of this, bracket matching
inside math scopes is turned off.
Known Issues
For <style> tags, LESS is not supported.
For <script> tags, CoffeeScript is not supported. However, since SvelteKit
doesn't support CoffeeScript, this is not a priority.
Release Notes
Initial release.
Improved for rendering on the VS Code Marketplace.
Increased specificity of scopes of some pattern injections to avoid
conflicts with e.g. the comment or string scopes within script blocks.