A vscode plugin to make browsing Jira more pleasant,
based on this Neovim plugin.
:JiraBrowse OE-1337 to open up a browser with the issue.
:JiraLink OE-Backlog to open up a browser with a Jira link.
:JiraNew to open up a browser with a new Jira issue.
JiraBrowse and JiraLink can be auto-completed via <tab> -presses.
Configuration file
Put a .jira.json in the root of your project.
"baseurl": "https://jira.hadcs.de/",
"projects": [
"links": {
"OE-Kanban-Board": "secure/RapidBoard.jspa?projectKey=OE&rapidView=1912",
"OE-Backlog": "secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=1912&projectKey=OE&view=planning.nodetail&issueLimit=100"
| |