eSunit extension description :-Save time and money spent on Quality Assurance, eSUNIT provides a kit of tools to enahnce the -It's not necessary to remark the importance of unit testing on companies of all sizes. -It brings confidence on the development proccess and the confidence that the business is secure. Instructions for use :-The user must create two folders on the root of the project. -You must create the folder called "scripts". -In the "scripts" folder, you must go file to test. -Inside the "scripts" folder create another folder called "tests". -In the file to be tested, it must have the following code in the return, the word testing which must contain double underscore at the beginning and at the end, then the name of the function to be tested, such as the following example: return {testing : {isPriceSet: isPriceSet,}};-In "tests" you should write down the test cases. They will be as it follows: assert.equal("function_name"("param"), true);. -Press ctrl + shft + p and select the eSunit command. *At the terminal you will see the test results!. |