CodeFast Copilot - Local Commit Buddy is a VS Code extension that generates commit messages and descriptions using local AI models through Ollama. It provides a seamless, offline experience for creating meaningful commit messages with minimal setup.
🤖 Generate commit messages and descriptions using local AI models
🎛️ Select your preferred AI model and customize the generated text
😊 Incorporate relevant emojis into commit messages and descriptions
🔌 Native-like experience within VS Code
🏠 Offline functionality - no cloud services or API keys required
Search for "CodeFast Copilot - Local Commit Buddy"
Click Install
Stage your changes in Git
Open the Source Control view (Ctrl+Shift+G)
Click on the "Generate Commit Message" button in the Source Control title bar or use the command palette (Ctrl+Shift+P) and search for "Generate Commit Message"
Wait for the AI to generate the commit message
Review and edit the generated commit message in the Source Control input box
Commit your changes
You can customize the extension's behavior in the VS Code settings:
codefast.aiModel: Select the AI model to use (default: "codellama")
codefast.useEmojis: Enable or disable emoji incorporation (default: true)
codefast.customPrompt: Set a custom prompt for the AI model
codefast.emojiMapping: Customize the emoji mapping for commit message prefixes
To access these settings, search for "CodeFast" in the VS Code settings.
We welcome contributions to CodeFast Copilot! Please see our Contributing Guide for more details.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.