A super-cool dark theme for VS Code by studio.bio inspired by Oceanic Next and Solarized Dark. Optimized for JavaScript (React), PHP, HTML, and Sass/SCSS.
Launch VS Code Quick Open (Ctrl+P), paste the following command, and press enter.
A dark theme for VS Code inspired by Oceanic Next and Solarized Dark. Optimized for JavaScript (React), PHP, HTML, and Sass/SCSS.
More emphasis on blues rather than greens as in Oceanic Next and Solarized. Colors are optimized for uniqueness, contrast, and comprehension. Extra attention was given to accentuate distinguishing features on a per-syntax basis to help with development.
📸 Screenshots
🗒 Notes:
For VSCode v 1.4.3, please add this to your settings until Bio Dark can be updated to accommodate the new VSCode semantic highlighting:
"editor.semanticHighlighting.enabled": false,
More information about this issue can be found here.
The code in the screenshots (except for React) is from our WordPress starter theme Plate.
The typeface in the screenshots is SF Mono at 14px.
Not all languages were tested so if you have suggestions for a language that doesn't look quite right, I encourage you to submit a pull request here: https://github.com/joshuaiz/bio-dark-theme.