unibasic READMEUniBasic Extension for VS CodeThis extension is for syntax highlighting Rocket U2 UniBasic. Conformed and updated for UniBasic (principally UniVerse). The intention is to continuously improve this by adding tool tips, formatting and other features along the way. Version 0.1.2
InstallationInside VSCode from the command pallet Install Extension -> UniBasic ConfigurationConfigure resources/tasks.json and resources/unibasic-compile.ps1 for compilation. If you're using VS Code for Unibasic with git as source control, I recommend you use the resources/GET.DICTS unibasic program (modified for your environment) to manage your dictionaries. Recommmend default Dark+ theme Also, keyword.operator foreground may need tweaking in .vscode\settings.json
CreditsThanks for the original work done by Jacob Bennett and Travis Mallek to get to 0.0.1. https://github.com/JacobBennett/sublime-pickbasic https://github.com/mallek/vscode-pick-basic-syntax-highlighter Enjoy! |