tutorialextension READMEThis is an extension designed to help with the new users of VS Code RequirementsUse “CTRL+SHIFT+P” to open the command palette, alternatively open the search bar at the top and enter “>”. Then type “begin webview” ManualTo Open WebView Use “CTRL+SHIFT+P” to open the command palette, alternatively open the search bar at the top and enter “>”. Then type “begin webview” To Navigate WebView’s Use the navbar at the top right hand corner of the screen. Each page can be opened by the allocated link. The logo at the top right hand corner can be used as a link to go to the home page again after leaving
To use Code Completions Open a file in one of the following languages
Word parser To access the word parser make sure you in a Java file type. Open the command palette again using “CTRL+SHIFT+P” or open the search bar and type “>”. Next type “Search Code” and press enter. 1.0.0Initial release of my tutorial extension with WebViews, Snippets and Completion 1.1.0Python has been added to the WebViews. The Completion and Snippets are also introducing a new Python library. Simple spelling also fixed. 1.2.0Many new Languages have been added to the WebViews, snippets and completions. a code parser has also begun work. 1.3.0Code parser has been completed and searches for static and any missed brackets in java, python and html. FIN Enjoy! |