This VSCode extension allows to define and execute sequences of commands as code actions.
It is basically glue between the commands and code actions in VSCode.
Flexible: Execute any command sequences directly from the editor as code actions! (Or through the command palette for quick on-demand access)
Straightforward: Define a sequence of commands, complete with optional delays, to automate & fine tune repetitive tasks.
Define command sequences in your settings.json file using the pattern run-commands-as-code-actions.<sequenceName>. Each sequence is an array of command objects.
Example (customize Prettier import formatting - no more multi line imports!):
"run-commands-as-code-actions.formatAndSave": [{
"command": "prettier.forceFormatDocument",
"delay": 0
}, {
"command": "tsImportSorter.command.sortImports", // Check out the JS/TS Import/Export Sorter extension!
"delay": 400
}, {
"command": "workbench.action.files.saveWithoutFormatting",
"delay": 400
// Automatically format and save the current document:
"editor.formatOnSave": false,
"editor.codeActionsOnSave": [
"source.runCommandsAsCodeActions.formatAndSave" // Magic!