Statsig is an experimentation platform where you can set up Feature Flags and Dynamic Configs with automated A/B tests. You get the benefits of rigorous product experimentation with little to no overhead. This extension has several features to bring insights from your Feature Flags into your development environment.
Summary of your Flags and Configs.
Insights when Hovering over a Feature Flag or Dynamic Config.
CodeLens (enable in Settings).
Keyboard Shortcuts.
Extension Settings
This extension contributes the following settings:
statsig.refresh.inBackground: enable/disable incremental background refreshes of your flags and configs (refreshes while you're not interacting with the extension, so things are always up-to-date).
statsig.refresh.interval: interval in minutes between each background refresh.
statsig.textEditor.enableHoverTooltips: enable/disable tooltips when hovering over strings that match flag/config names.
statsig.textEditor.enableCodeLens: enable/disable CodeLens on strings that match flag/config names. Disabled by default.
statsig.textEditor.enableDiagnostics: enable/disable Diagnostics on strings that match flag/config names. Disabled by default.
statsig.web.tier: selects the set of web servers to hit when querying Statsig for data.
Release Notes
Only major releases are documented here. See for more details.
Initial release. Features:
Summary of your Flags and Configs.
Insights when Hovering over a Feature Flag or Dynamic Config.