Salesforce Quick Access - VS Code ExtensionQuickly jump into Salesforce THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL SALESFORCE PRODUCT! This plugin was developed at Reply. FeaturesAdds 'Salesforce Setup' to command palette. With it you can open
As target org you can use the projects default org or one of the orgs you have connected with SFDX CLI tool. RequirementsSFDX CLI is installed and orgs you want to access are connected. Release Notes2.0.0Added - Turn On/Off Lightning Debug Mode - Switch Users Language directly to German/English 1.9.0Added "delete all apex debug logs" 1.8.0Added Tab support 1.4.0Added community support (Open list of communities, community builder and the community itself) 1.3.0Added debug pages (Lightning, Apex), Developer Console, Process Builder, Sandboxes. Foundation to open meta data files in Salesforce. 1.2.0Added custom metadata 1.1.0Added users profile, permission sets, users locale, deployment status, company info. 1.0.0Initial release. Support objects, profiles and users. |