masca-vscode-plugin READMEMaSCA Visual Studio Code plugin scans and provides analysis of your code including open source dependencies and infrastructure as code configurations. Download the plugin at any time free of charge and use it with any MaSCA account. Scan your code early in the development lifecycle to help you pass security reviews and avoid costly fixes later in the development cycle FeaturesMaSCA scans for vulnerabilities and returns results with security issues categorized by issue type and severity. For open source, you receive automated algorithm-based fix suggestions for both direct and transitive dependencies.
RequirementsYou can use the MaSCA Visual Studio Code extension in the following environments: Linux: AMD64 and ARM64 Windows: 386 and AMD64 MacOS: AMD64 and ARM64 1.0.0Initial release of MaSCA Visual Studio Code extension 1.1.0Minor update 1.1.1Fix problem scanning project path with a space |