This extension is to integrate Steep to Visual Studio Code.
It has LSP features including:
On-the-fly error reporting
Hover for method calls and variables
Completion for method names and variables
Commands and options
Restart all command restarts all Steep processes running for the VSCode. Try this command if something is not working correctly.
Loglevel option allows to control log level of Steep command. If you set debug, many debug prints will be printed and will help you debugging Steep.
Steepfile option allows to change the Steepfile path.
Gemfile option allows to change the Gemfile path.
How it works
When you open folder in VSCode, it checks if there is a Steepfile in the directory.
When Steepfile is found, it starts Steep by bundle exec steep langserver.
If you have a binstub bin/steep, it will be used instead of bundle exec steep. (bin/steep langserver)
Requirements are:
You have to have Steepfile in the root of the folder. You can change the filename via steepfile option.