Enables the Kleenexp modern Regular Expression syntax for Search and Replace in Visual Studio Code.
A Taste of the Syntax
Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my Father. Prepare to die.
# vs. regex:
Hello\. My name is Inigo Montoya\. You killed my Father\. Prepare to die\.
[1-3 'What is your ' ['name' | 'quest' | 'favourite colour'] '?' [0-1 #space]]
# vs. regex:
(?:What is your (?:name|quest|favourite colour)\?)\s?){1,3}
Hello. My name is [capture:name #tmp ' ' #tmp #tmp=[#uppercase [1+ #lowercase]]]. You killed my ['Father' | 'Mother' | 'Son' | 'Daughter' | 'Dog' | 'Hamster']. Prepare to die.
# vs. regex:
Hello\. My name is (?<name>[A-Z][a-z]+ [A-Z][a-z]+)\. You killed my (?:Father|Mother|Son|Daughter|Dog|Hamster)\. Prepare to die\.`
Or, if you're in a hurry you can use the shortened form:
Hello. My name is [c:name #uc [1+ #lc] ' ' #uc [1+ #lc]]. You killed my ['Father' | 'Mother' | 'Son' | 'Daughter' | 'Dog' | 'Hamster']. Prepare to die.
Continue to our full tutorial.
By default, keybindings for Find, Find in Files, etc' are overriden by this extension, and show a popup menu where you can enter a KleenExp. Upon selecting a KleenExp, it will be compiled to legacy regex and the standard dialog will open with that regex:
In the future we intend to integrate seamlessly with the vscode Find dialog. However, this will require some patches to vscode itself, since an API for this does not exist yet, so for the alpha version, there's an input popup. It has history with search-as-you-type and is quite ergonomic overall.
Known Issues
This is alpha-level software. There will be many issues. Please report them on our github. That being said, it's already pretty awesome to work with.
Release Notes
Fix minor packaging mistake
Now a web extension, so github.dev
and vscode.dev
are supported!
Fix a UI bug, move from invoking Python process for every compilation to using WASM-compiled rust-based compiler.
README fixes
Better implementation of quickpicker interactions
README fixes
Initial release